Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Lesson #2 - 27/11/18

Is progress visible?

I bumped into coach a little before my lesson time, and she told me about all the warmups I should be doing before getting on the ice. Since I was already pretty late for warming up, we got onto the ice and she ran me through a few laps:
- 1 lap "side-stepping" (strange sideway pushes to go forwards)
- 1/2 lap forward slalom, 1/2 lap backward slalom
- 1/2 lap side-stepping to one foot glide, 1/2 lap other foot
- ditto for backwards

Then went the actual lesson.

Forward Stroking:
- 1cm rule was introduced, which is placing the free foot 1cm above the ice parallel to it, right next to the skating foot.
- Before placing the foot down, the skating foot starts its push (tilts from straight line).
- Make sure knees are BENT.
- Make sure free foot is parallel to the ice.
- Make sure arms are out in line with chest.
- Make sure butt is not out.

- Weight placement is still an issue.
- Weight should be in between both feet.
- Need to figure out weight transfer with the open glide.
- More practice at higher speeds!

2-Foot Jump:
- This was scary!
- Get some HEIGHT by straightening out completely and pointing toes.
- When landing, bend knees. The ice isn't going to cushion you.
- Practice at the wall if unsure.
- I should get my blades permanently mounted...

Things are pretty simple at the moment, yet I feel I am far from "mastering" these skills. However, I know I can do it! Just more ice time, more strength.

During the week, I went to a coffee club session at a different rink with a different coach. She picked a direction for me (anticlockwise) and made me learn a 1-foot spin on it. Apparently I am a quick learner! It is far from perfect, but I understand the basic concept. I love spinning! And 1-foot is so thrilling.

Positive feedback I've received: nice lines, quick learner :)
Negative feedback I've received: need to tie boots tighter, need to maintain upper body posture

My right inner malleolar is killing me! Coach says it's because my boots aren't tight enough, but I think it feels more like a bruise than a blister. Will update on attempts at solutions.

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